Directions & Map
Nippo Lake Golf Club
88 Stagecoach Rd.
Barrington, NH 03825
~If you are using GPS please read below~
Nippo Lake Golf Club is located in Barrington, New Hampshire, 30 minutes from Portsmouth, 20 minutes from Dover or Durham and 10 minutes from Rochester.
88 Stagecoach Road
(formally 550 Province Road)
Using GPS?
If your GPS is has not been updated in the last 3 years....
Put in 28 Golf Course Way and follow the directions. Golf Course Way is DIRECTLY across the street from the entrance to Nippo Lake
From Boston: Take 95 north to Spaulding Turnpike NORTH (Route 16) to exit 8W (Concord), Route 9 West. Off 8W exit ramp, bear right and then bear right again onto Route 9 West. Stay on Route 9, through the Route 125 intersection and past Calef's Country Store. Continue for approximately 2.8 miles from the 125 intersection until you come to Junction 126 where you will bear right. At the stop sign, take a left and then the first right. Just before the sign for Nippo Lake Golf Club take a left to the top of the hill. You have just arrived at your golf destination.
From Northern NH: Take Route 16 South to Exit 13 (Route 202) by Lowe's and Kohl's. Bear right. Follow Route 202 for about 8 miles and take a right onto Route 126 (Strafford/Barnstead). Take your first left onto Stagecoach Road (formally Province Road) and follow to top of hill. You have just arrived at your golf destination.
From Concord, NH: Off 93 take Route 393/Route 4/Route 9/Route 202 East towards Northwood, Chichester, Epsom. Follow to rotary and go ½ way around following Route 4/Route 9/Route 202 to Northwood. McDonald's will be on your right as you head to Northwood. Follow to the intersection of Route 4 and Route 9 & 202. Take a left at the light. (At this light will be a gas station diagonally on your right and Northeast Credit Union is diagonally on your left.) Follow Route 9 & 202 past North River Lake until you come to the intersection of Route 9 and Route 202. Bear left onto Route 202 towards Rochester. Follow to bottom of hill and take a left onto Route 126 Strafford/Barnstead. Take next left Stagecoach Road and follow to top of hill. You have just arrived at your golf destination.
From Manchester, NH: Follow Route 101 East towards Portsmouth. Take exit 7 Route 125. Take a left off the exit. Follow Route 125 North through Epping to Lee traffic circle. At traffic circle go ½ way around and continue on Route 125 North to Barrington. At the Route 9 / Route 125 intersection (Irving Gas Station on your right) take a left onto Route 9. Continue past Calef's Country Store for approximately 2.8 miles until you come to Junction 126 where you will bear right. At the stop sign, take a left and then the first right. Just before the sign for Nippo Lake Golf Club take a left to the top of the hill. You have just arrived at your golf destination.